Disaster Recovery as a Service
A Well-Planned Disaster Recovery And Business Continuity Plan Ensures Your Data Is Safe.

Build Resiliency in your business operation
When considering a disaster recovery solution, organizations need to ask the single most important question—how long can the business continue to function without its core applications and data? If a business operation is affected by the loss of data and the business cannot operate for long without its core data, then a comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plan is needed.
Historically, recovery solutions have required businesses to own multiple data centers, employ support staff, and spend up to 50% of total IT budget to guarantee a 24/7 IT infrastructure.
Our managed disaster recovery and business continuity solutions give businesses the ability to recover quickly in disaster recovery type events and return to business continuity fast. We know, as our clients knows, every minute counts and having inaccessible platforms is never an option. That’s why many businesses trust Lofatech for comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity solutions, including the security of manage disaster recovery to replicate your critical servers and data center infrastructure. We accomplish the best result by utilizing virtualized and physical platform architecture across multi-locations.
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